| So, friends and foes, Wishes and woes. Ebbs and flows. I'm a born-again newbie. This e-mail goes out to all y'all, the people I love, wherever you are, we are all under the same exact stars. My first show in a loooooong ol' time. Not the Moose Lodge- that one's postponed. There is trouble at the Moose Lodge apparently something to do with Moose rules I do not understand. So no, but soon: It's on Friday, March 1st, at the Battery Books and Music, Sir Rich West's amazing book-n-music shop in Pasadena. There is no cover. If you're in the area please come support. If you're not, I love you anyway. Look out for the article by sumptuous and lovely Michelle Mills in the SGV newspaper. I'll let you know. SIGH-- My record's coming OUT in less than a month. On March 12th. On the 13th, we've got a show at the Silverlake Lounge. Maybe kinda that's the record release show. :-) The video for "King for the Day" by brilliant, brilliant Luis Aguirre is just about edited and will be up soon. He did it just amazing. I'm so stoked it's perfect. The design (by geniushead Bill Smith) and packaging for the PHYSICAL CD's is done and I just gotta get 'em pressed. Tutoring my tired bum off to save up some greenbacks.
My band is so good I could cry. I love you guys so. Thaaaaaaaaaaat is really all for now. Thank you. Oh yeah and, if done through ReverbNation:Buy music and half goes to charity!But, I don't really know how that works or anything. I just clicked okay, to be frank, and picked one. SIGH-- That's all, mmhm. Love,NK
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