Taste of South Lake in Pasadena Oct. 13
TASTE OF SOUTH LAKELOCAL RESTAURANTS / LIVE PERFORMANCES & COOKING DEMOS / PRIZES / BEER & WINE GARDEN!Saturday, October 13TH, 11:00am – 4pm at 251 S. Lake Avenue,Pasadena – FREE admission and FREE parking!SPECIAL MUSIC PERFORMANCES BY- La Santa Cecilia (Latin Grammy nominated providing eclectic mix of music, culture and fun)www.lasantacecilia.com
- Jessica Fichot (French Chanson) - www.jessicasongs.com
- Quetzal Guerrero (Critically acclaimed converging styles such as Funk, Samba, Reggae and Afrobeat)www.qviolin.com
- Dustbowl Revival (Blues & Folk) - www.dustbowlrevival.com
SPECIAL LIVE COOKING AND COCKTAIL DEMOS BY- Ann Gentry - creator and founder of Real Food Daily! Ann is the author of The Real Food Daily Cookbook and Vegan Family Meals and can be seen hosting her own cooking show, Naturally Delicious on Veria on The Dish Network. She is the executive chef to Vegetarian Times magazine.
- Chef Bryant Wigger and Head Bartender Ken Baranda of Trattoria Neapolis.
PARTICIPATING RESTAURANTS AND BUSINESSES INCLUDE• Café 140 South http://www.cafe140south.com/• Celestino Ristorante & Bar http://www.calogerodrago.com/• Contessa Italian Home Collection http://www.southlakeavenue.org/business-directory-member/contessa-italian-home-collection/• Corner Bakery Café http://www.cornerbakerycafe.com/home.aspx• Float• Jamba Juice http://www.jambajuice.com/• Lemonade http://lemonadela.com/• Logix Credit Union https://www.logixbanking.com/• Magnolia Lounge http://www.magnoliaonlake.com/• Massetti Caffe Mobile http://massettiespresso.com/• National University http://www.nu.edu/• Pasadena Chamber of Commercehttp://www.southlakeavenue.org/business-directory-member/pasadena-chamber-of-commerce/• Peet’s Coffee & Tea http://www.peets.com• Real Food Daily http://www.realfood.com/• Rubio’s Fresh Mexican Grill http://www.rubios.com/• SanSai Japanese Grill http://www.sansaiusa.com/• Sharky’s Woodfired Mexican Grill http://www.sharkys.com/• Souplantation http://www.souplantation.com/• Starbucks Coffee Company http://www.starbucks.com/• The Counter http://www.thecounterburger.com/• Togo’s Sandwiches http://www.togos.com/• Tokyo Shabu Shabu• Trattoria Neapolis http://www.trattorianeapolis.com/• Universal Protection Service http://www.universalpro.com/• Wahoo’s Fish Taco http://www.wahoos.com/• Williams-Sonoma http://www.williams-sonoma.com/• Wine Detective http://www.winedetective.com/• ZO Skin Health http://www.southlakeavenue.org/business-directory-member/zo-skin-health/
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