When I was talking with Dan from Landland at Flatstock and mentioned doing a giveaway on the blog for a poster he said choose whatever I wanted. I looked around and when I saw this one with FUCK all over it I could not stop laughing, I loved it. The posters title is "All of Them", made for the Aesthetic Apparatus-curated "Dead Wood" printmaking folio exchange, inspired by the HBO series "Deadwood" (in which the word "fuck" appears 2980 times over the course of three seasons). This poster proved to be so popular they did a second edition with a different color and an edition of 450, that is the one I'm giving away.
Now go to the top of the post above the picture and click on comments or scroll down to leave a comment about whatever the FUCK you want to have a chance at winning the poster. Don't worry if your comment does not appear immediately I have to approve them before they are published. I will use the random number generator to pick a winner. Entries are limited to ONE PER PERSON PER HOUSEHOLD. Please leave your name with the comment, comments without names will not be accepted. Entries will be accepted until midnight PDT Saturday September 22 that's two days to enter with the winner announced on Sunday.
Thank you to Dan and Jessica of Landland for providing the poster for the giveaway. Be sure to check out their work HERE TweetPin It
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